Monday, September 20, 2010

Zakumi - Official Mascot for the 2010 FIFA World Cup

Zakumi is the official mascot for the 2010 FIFA World Cup which was presented on 22 september 2008. Zakumi was designed very successfully. First of all, his name comes from two words which are "za" and "kumi".  "Za" is the ISO code for South Africa and "kumi" is a word that means ten in African which is referencing the year 2010. In addition, the designer  use leopard because it is one of the famous animal in South Africa and others have been used before. From this point we could see that the designer try to make the mascot consummate, even the name and the character. This is the most important part we need to learn, if we design something we need to do some research to get more information and also we need to think about very detail things to make our design work perfect. Furthermore, the designer use two main colors green and yellow for this art wok which is the emblematical color in South Africa. On Zakumi T-shirt it write South Africa 2010 and on his hand there is a football, all of these design are strongly show us that 2010 FIFA World Cup is in South Africa. The art work looks simple but very attractive, because all of the design are around South African and FIFA World Cup.

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